Farm Bill Colloquium


Videos of the Event


Javier Balmaceda

Senior Analyst for Puerto Rico at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, DC.

Ramón Borges Méndez

Cofounder of Fundación Bucarabón in Maricao, PR. Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Community Development at the Department of Sustainability and Social Justice at Clark University, Worcester, MA.

Luis Cruz Arroyo

Director for the Caribbean region of the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and co-director for the Caribbean Climate Hub (CCH) at USDA.

Vanessa García Polanco

Government Relations Director at National Young Farmpers Coalition.

Miguel Marxuach

Executive director at the Alliance for Agriculture. Moderator of the event.

Zacha Muñiz

Farmer and president of Agroempresarias de Puerto Rico.

Gabriela Pereyra

Co-director of the Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust.

Tara Rodríguez Besosa

Co-founder of Departamento de la Comida, designer, activist and organizer on topics of food, agriculture and communities.